Friday, November 1, 2013

AIDS/Lifecycle2014 Fundraising Letter #1

Hey all, I am back at it again.  On June 1st through 7th, 2014, I will be taking part in my 5th AIDS/Lifecycle bike ride.  I will yet again be riding my bike from San Francisco to Los Angeles, 545 miles over 7 days, to help raise money for HIV/AIDS research, support, education and awareness. 

This past year, we broke our old record by raising $14.2 million.  This money is directly used to save lives, both in treatment and care of folks already living with HIV/AIDS, but also prevention, education, and awareness campaigns to prevent future infections.  Like they say, we will keep riding until HIV/AIDS is a thing of the past!

So I am calling out to everyone I know, through every medium I use, to ask for help in raising money for this great cause.  Any amount you can donate can and will make a difference in the life of someone living with HIV/AIDS, be it $5, $50, or $500. 

And remember, your donation is fully tax deductible. 

Just click this link, which will take you to my Personal Fundraising Page.  From there, click on the “Donate to support Erik” button.  Everything is very easy and very quick.  It only takes a few minutes out of your day to do what you can to help save lives.

If you can’t donate at this time, there are other ways you can help.  Forward this letter to anyone you know that might be interested. 

Thank you all so much ahead of time!
